jeudi 23 juin 2011

How to create a range in a datasource of a form according to a value of another field

If you need to create a range in the init method of the datasource of your field but you want to apply it not to all records only for some according to the value of another field check this example and follow the links below ;)

public void init()
     Query                   query;
    BOM                     BOM;
    queryrun                qr;
    Qty                     qtySched;
    QueryBuildRange         queryBuildRange1, queryBuildRange2;

    if (  element.args().caller()  &&
          element.args().dataset() == tablenum(ProdTable))
        qtySched = ProdTable::find(element.prodId()).QtySched;

        queryBuildRange1 = ProdBOM_ds.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(ProdBOM)).addRange(fieldnum(ProdBOM,Thy_Package));
        queryBuildRange1.value(strfmt('(%1 == 0) || (%1 == 1) && (%2 <= %3)',fieldstr(ProdBOM, Thy_Package), fieldstr(ProdBOM, Thy_limitPackage), int2str(qtySched)));


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