jeudi 29 décembre 2011

How to display system date and time in a report

display String30 clearanceDate()
    return date2str(systemdateget(),123,2,DateSeparator::Slash,2, DateSeparator::Slash,4)
             + "   " + time2str(timenow(),1,1) ;

How to use pack/unpack in a form

We can also use pack/unpack mechanism in a form like the ones used in Runbase Classes

Refer to this link

When to use "ParentVersion" and when should I use "CurrentVersion" in pack/unpack method

If you're making your own, you should use CurrentVersion.  ParentVersion is likely a way to support older versions of packed information, or it's doing something fancy.  Here's an example of multiple version support in an unpack():

boolean unpack(container _packedClass)
int version = RunBase::getVersion(_packedClass); // this is a better way of conpeek(_packedClass, 1)
boolean ret = true;
switch (version)
case #CurrentVersion:
[version, #CurrentList] = _packedClass;
case 2:
[version, startDate, endDate] = _packedClass;
ret = false;
return ret;

It's just a switch on the version number so old data can be handled at least partially.

Why, When and How to use pack and unpack methods

An object has a particular state. You want to work with the same object at a later time or another place (such as on another tier). 
Make it possible to save the state of the object in a form that can be persistently saved or transported to another tier. Moreover, make it possible to reinstantiate the object.  

Basically, the pack method serializes the object, and unpack deserializes it.
What this gives you is the ability to automatically have all the variables set to specific values next time the job (class) is run.

For example, you have a class that prompts the user for an ItemId and does something with this item.
Each time the job is run, the user would have to select the item again, if it were not for the pack/unpack methods.

All you have to do to use them is declare the needed variables in the classDeclaration, add a macro defining the CurrentVersion of the parameterList and implement the pack and unpack methods. (the code is in the RunBase class - just copy it (removing #if.never, of course)

the information that is saved / restored is per user & per company basis.
The important thing to remember is - version id.  If you change the contents of container, you should remember to increment the version id. 

refer to this link to find an example.

and here is a link from MSDN tutorials

How to override fetch method in a report

here is an example of an overrided fetch method in a report  
public class ReportRun extends RunbaseReport
     InventQty                  sumQty1, sumQty2, sumQty3, sumQty4, sumQty5, sumQty6,
                                sumQty7, sumQty8, sumQty9, sumQty10, sumQty11, sumQty12, sumQty13, sumQty14;

     InventTrans                inventTrans;
     Thy_IntrastatItemCode      thy_IntrastatItemCode;
     IntrastatItemCode          intrastatItemCode;
     DialogField                fieldFromDate_Period;
     DialogField                fieldToDate_Period;
     FromDate                   fromDate;
     ToDate                     toDate;



public Object dialog(Object _dialog)
    DialogRunbase dialog = _dialog;

    fieldFromDate_Period  = dialog.addField(typeid(FromDate));
    fieldToDate_Period    = dialog.addField(typeid(ToDate));
    return dialog;

boolean getFromDialog()
    fromDate = fieldFromDate_Period.value();
    toDate   = fieldToDate_Period.value();
    return true;

public boolean fetch()
    boolean                 ret = false;
    QueryRun                _queryRun;
    queryBuildDataSource    queryBuildDataSource;

    _queryRun = new QueryRun(element);

     if (! _queryRun.prompt())
        return ret;

     while (
        Thy_InventCustomsTrans  = _queryRun.get(tablenum(Thy_InventCustomsTrans));

        While select Qty, ItemId, InventTransId, inventDimId, RecId from inventTrans
              sumQty1    = sumQty1 + inventTrans.Qty;            
    ret = true;

    return ret;
public container pack()
    return [#CurrentVersion, #CurrentList];
public boolean unpack(container packedClass)
    boolean         _ret;
    Integer         _version    = conpeek(packedClass,1);

    switch (_version)
        case #CurrentVersion:
            [_version, #CurrentList] = packedClass;
            _ret = true;
            _ret = false;
    return _ret;

Here is another example

public boolean fetch()
querybuildrange  qbr;
QueryRun qr = new queryrun(this.query());// picks the current datasource available in the report





return true;

Here is another example from MSDN tutorials  

Check the RunBase Framework here 

mercredi 28 décembre 2011

How to shut down axapta through code

This is an example to shut down the Dynamics AX client from x++ code using info class.

void DASShutDownAxapta()
    SysGlobalCache  cache = appl.globalCache();
    info            info;

    cache.set(classstr(info), identifierstr(Autologoff), true);
    info = new info();

mardi 27 décembre 2011

How to get the value of the range before printing a report

You can get the range value using the following code:
this.queryRun().query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(<YourTableName>)).findRange(fieldNum(<YourTableName>, <Your_Division_FieldName>)).value();

mercredi 21 décembre 2011

How to import vendors from a csv file

Here is an example of a job that can be used to import vendors

static void import_fournisseurs_DIST(Args _args)
    Dirpartytable                               dirpartytable, _dirpartytable;
    container                                   c;
    TextIo                                      io;
    str 130                                     fileName;
    TextBuffer                                  b;
    str                                         s,stramount;
    integer                                     inc;
    DirPartyid                                  partyid;
    Vendtable                                   vendTable;
    SmmBusRelSectorTable                        smmBusRelSectorTable;
    TaxVATNumTable                              taxVATNumTable;
    Address                                     addressTab;
    Integer                                     counter;

    delete_from vendTable;
    delete_from dirpartytable
        where Dirpartytable.Type == Dirpartytype::Organization;
    delete_from smmBusRelSectorTable;

    fileName = @"C:\\FRS_DIST\FRS_LOC_DIST.csv";
    io = SysLicenseCodeReadFile::openFile(fileName,'r');
    if (!io)
        throw error(strfmt("@SYS18678",fileName));
    c =;
    while (io.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
        c =;
        if (io.status() != IO_Status::Ok)

        partyid                 = conpeek(c,1);
        Dirpartytable.PartyId   = partyid;
        Dirpartytable.Type      = DirPartyType::Organization;
        Dirpartytable.NameAlias = conpeek(c,4);
        DirpartyTable.Name      = conpeek(c,3);

        if (DirpartyTable.Name != "" )

        vendTable.AccountNum = conpeek(c,1);       = conpeek(c,2);
        vendtable.PartyId    = partyid;
        vendTable.NameAlias  = conpeek(c,3);

        vendTable.Currency              = conpeek(c,8);
        vendTable.InvoiceAccount        = conpeek(c,5);

        vendTable.VendGroup  = conpeek(c,6);
        vendTable.LanguageId = "fr";
        vendTable.PartyType  = DirPartyType::Organization;
        vendTable.Phone      = conpeek(c,11);
        vendTable.TeleFax    = conpeek(c,12);
        vendTable.Email      = conpeek(c,13);
        vendTable.VATNum     = conpeek(c,9);
        if (   != "0")
        print dirpartytable.PartyId;
        select recId from _dirpartytable
            where _dirpartytable.RecId   == dirpartytable.RecId
                && dirpartytable.PartyId == partyid;
                print _dirpartytable.RecId;
        addressTab.AddrRecId        = _dirpartytable.RecId;
        addressTab.AddrTableId      = 2303;
        addressTab.Street           = conpeek(c,10);

        if (conpeek(c,7) != '')
            smmBusRelSectorTable.PartyId                = partyId;
            smmBusRelSectorTable.BusinessSectorId       = conpeek(c,7);
            smmBusRelSectorTable.KeyId                  = partyId;

        if ( partyid == '')

How to import customers using a csv file in dynamics ax

Here is an example of a job that can be used to import customers

static void insert_Clients_Stunas(Args _args)
        CustTable                                   custTable;
        container                                   c;
        Integer                                     Start, PartyStart;
        TextIo                                      io;
        string50                                    fileName, FRS;
        TextBuffer                                  b;
        DirPartyType                                DirPartyType;
        ExtendedTypeId                              id;
        NumberSeq                                   num;
        DirPartyId                                  localDirPartyId;
        DirpartyTable                               dirpartyTable, _dirpartyTable;
        AccountNum                                  AccountNum;
        Addressing                                  address;
        Address                                     addressTab;
        CustPaymModeTable                           custPaymModeTable;
        Name                                        PaymName;

        delete_from custTable;

        fileName = @"C:\\Update_Clients_Stunas\Clients.csv";
        b=new Textbuffer();
         io = SysLicenseCodeReadFile::openFile(fileName,'r');

         c =;
         if (!io)
            throw error(strfmt("@SYS18678",fileName));

         while (io.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
             c =;
             AccountNum                         = conpeek(c,1);
             custTable.AccountNum               = AccountNum;
             custTable.PartyId                  = AccountNum;

             custTable.Name                     = conpeek(c,2);
             custTable.NameAlias                = conpeek(c,2);
             custTable.CustGroup                = conpeek(c,16);
             custTable.Currency                 = "TND";
             custTable.PartyType                = DirPartyType::Organization;
             custTable.LanguageId               = "FR";
             custTable.TaxGroup                 = conpeek(c,6);
             custTable.VATNum                   = conpeek(c,7);

             custTable.Phone                    = conpeek(c,8);
             custTable.CellularPhone            = conpeek(c,9);
             custTable.TeleFax                  = conpeek(c,10);
             custTable.InvoiceAccount           = conpeek(c,11);
             custTable.SegmentId                = conpeek(c,12);
             custTable.PriceGroup               = conpeek(c,13);
             PaymName                           = conpeek(c,15);
             custTable.CustGroup                = conpeek(c,16);
             custTable.editContactPersonName(true, conpeek(c,17));
             if(conpeek(c,18) != '*')
             custTable.SubsegmentId             = conpeek(c,18);

             select PaymMode from custPaymModeTable
                where custPaymModeTable.Name    == PaymName;
             custTable.PaymMode                 = custPaymModeTable.PaymMode;


             delete_from DirpartyTable
                where DirpartyTable.PartyId == accountNum;

             DirpartyTable.Type                 = DirPartyType::Organization;
             DirpartyTable.Name                 = conpeek(c,2);
             DirpartyTable.NameAlias            = conpeek(c,2);
             DirpartyTable.LanguageId           = "FR";
             DirpartyTable.PartyId              = AccountNum;

             print custTable.AccountNum;
             print custTable.Name;
             print dirpartytable.PartyId;


             select recId from _dirpartytable
                where _dirpartytable.RecId   == dirpartytable.RecId
                    && dirpartytable.PartyId == AccountNum;
                    print _dirpartytable.RecId;
             addressTab.AddrRecId        = _dirpartytable.RecId;
             addressTab.AddrTableId      = 2303;
             addressTab.State            = conpeek(c,4);
             addressTab.Street           = conpeek(c,3);
             addressTab.ZipCode          = conpeek(c,5);



mercredi 16 novembre 2011

Project Module

The Project module of Microsoft  Business Solutions- Axapta  is comprehensive and easy to use. It helps you efficiently manage project accounting through your business, giving you a look and a comprehensive financial control.

jeudi 10 novembre 2011

Tutorials for Dynamics AX 2009

Upgrade Guide 
Cube Reference
Installation Guide
Security Hardening 
Server DB Admin
Credit Card Processing for Dynamics AX 2009
EP Admin
Integrate Workflow in Financial Journals 
Managing Compliance with AX 2009
Multisite Activation
Post To ledger
Setting up intercompany for intracompany direct delivery
Shipping Carrier Interface for AX 2009
Team server (ID server)

Cost Accounting

Cost Accounting in Microsoft DynamicsTM AX is an internal cost flow analysis tool that helps you achieve a deeper insight into the costsincurred by your business. With Cost Accounting in Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can measure in detail the economic performance and profitability of your business operations and business units.

Cost Accounting


The Microsoft Dynamics AX workflow infrastructure enables user configurable workflows in Microsoft Dynamics AX application modules with specific focus on task and approval workflows. The workflow runtime manages configuration and execution of workflows while the application modules will manage activation and business logic associated with workflows. This section provides an overview and describes the development tasks needed to add workflow to a module. 

Logistics module

Logistics in Microsoft DynamicsTM AX gives you the flexibility to manage inventory and purchasing according to your needs, with functionality to support forecasting, classifying and tracking inventory and the efficient creation and management of bills of material. The solution exchanges information with many other functional areas in the solution including production, master planning, trade, finance and CRM, to help ensure a high degree of synergy between logistics and other key areas of your business.

Product Builder Module

The module enables dynamic configuration of items based on a sales order, purchase order, production order, sales quotation, project quotation, or item requirement and a set of modeling variables that are predefined for each item.
Based on a configuration, and from these predefined modeling variables, the module automates the generation of standard bills of materials and standard routes—within Microsoft Dynamics AX—for the production of each item. This simplifies the job production process and improves the interaction of sales and production. 

jeudi 20 octobre 2011

How to copy records in a grid of a form

Here is an example of copying a record from a grid :
 In the clicked method of the button

public void clicked()
    thyKanbanTable_ds.last(); // set the cursor at the last record copied; // display the tab number one of the form
createCopy is declared under the ThyKanbanTable as following :

public static server void createCopy(ThyKanbanTable _ThyKanbanTable)
    ThyKanbanTable          newKanbanTable;


    newKanbanTable.KanbanID = NumberSeq::newGetNum(ThyKanbanParameters::numRefKanbanId()).num();


mercredi 19 octobre 2011

What are the Add-ons for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 empowers people to anticipate and embrace change, enabling businesses to thrive.

Here are some docuements of Microssoft Dynamics AX 2012. 

mardi 11 octobre 2011

How to get rid of the report scaling message

When a report doesn't fit on a page, depending on it's properties Ax will resize the report. This is a powerful and very useful feature.
Now Ax will inform you that the report has been rescaled (Report is scaled xx percent to fit to page) and this message is generally not well received by users.

 Users are annoyed by the message, they get it every time they run the report, they cannot do anything about it, they have to click to close the infolog, ...

Ax has a builtin feature to suppress this scaling message. You can modify the init method of your report, and add something like this:


This is very effective and will do the job.
Only, this requires you to modify every report with these kind of messages.

A nicer way would be if we could switch it off in one place for all reports. Fortunately, this is possible as well.
Go to class SysReportRun, in the Run method, place following code before the call to super:


void run(boolean onlyReport = false)
    // If this report is a webReport the run a webReport.
    if (webSession() && runBaseReport)
        // When running the report and onlyReport = true then run the report.
        if (!onlyReport && runBaseReport)
            if (runBaseReport.prompt())
            // If the prompt returns false the do not run the report.
            // The RunBaseReport.Run method calls the method with the parm onlyReport = true.


    // <iba> 30 december 2010
    //scaling message suppressed by default
     // </iba> 30 december 2010


Now we don't have to modify each and every report and our users are happy.

Note that you can still override the settings in your report. In some reports this is done by default, like SalesInvoice and SalesConfirm.

How to go through records in a grid of a form

Sometimes, simply selecting the lines you want in a datasource and pressing OK (or other button) is not enough for the users. They want to clearly see what they have selected, be able to easily modify the selecting, and to their liking whould be to see a checkbox on the left of the grid for each line. (For an example, see CustTransOpen form where you mark transaction with a checkbox)
Here is a simple tutorial form based on InventTable datasource. You can select multiple lines and process the lines by pressing Process lines button.

and here is an example to go through records in a grid using Maps:

// Changed on 07 Oct 2011 at 16:10:00 by iba
void clicked()
    MapEnumerator           me;
    WMSOrderTrans           WMSOrderTransCopy;

    me = Map::create(selectedLines.pack()).getEnumerator();

    while (me.moveNext())
        select firstOnly forupdate WMSOrderTransCopy
            where WMSOrderTransCopy.RecId == me.current();
            if(InventItemInventSetUp::findDefault(WMSOrderTransCopy.itemId).HighestQty != 0)

    selectedLines = new Map(Types::Int64,Types::Container);

    if (selectedLines.exists(wmsOrderTrans.RecId))
