mercredi 5 janvier 2011

What is the folder structure in Dynamics AX4

The installation of Dynamics AX 4 consists of three main parts:
  1. Server installation
  2. Client installation
  3. Application installation
The path to the installation folders may be changed in the Dynamics AX Setup Wizard. However, if the default paths are used and all three parts are installed on the same machine, then the folder structure will look like below:

Blog Image

Figure 1. Microsoft Dynamics AX 4 folder

Folder description:
  • Application\Appl - contains the application files (business logic) and label files (.ald) for each language. The main application file is Ax<Layer ID>.aod containing the entire application (X++) code per layer.
  • Application\Appl\Standard\Db - MSDE database files.
  • Application\Appl\Standard\Tmp - Temporary files generated by the system.
  • Application\Appl\Standard\Old - during an upgrade the old application files are copied here.
  • Client\Bin - executable, dll files used on the client side and language dependent text files (.ktd) used by executables.
  • Server\DynamicsAX\Bin - executable, dll files used on the server side and language dependent text files (.ktd) used by executables. 
Happy Daxing !

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