mercredi 26 janvier 2011

How to fill a temporary table using a form and display its data in a report called from this form using X++

Create a form with two buttons one for inserting Data ' Insert' and the second for calling the report 'Print' .
Create the method "populate" in your form and fill the temporary table with the fileds you want to display in the report.
Override the clicked method for the button ' Insert' and use this code for example to fill the temporary table:

void clicked()

To print the report using this data, we need an intermediate class that extends RunBaseReport we create these following methods : first of all a constructor

void new(TmpTestTable _TmpTestTable,EmplId _emplId, PayrollJobStartDate _startDate,PayrollJobEndDate _endDate,PayrollIncrement _payrollIncrement)
    TmpTestTable            = _TmpTestTable;
    EmplId                  = _emplId;
    PayrollJobStartDate     = _startDate;
    PayrollJobEndDate       = _endDate;
    PayrollIncrement        = _payrollIncrement;
 a method that returns the populated temporary table
TmpTestTable populate(EmplId _EmplId,PayrollJobStartDate _StartDate, PayrollJobEndDate _EndDate,PayrollIncrement  _payrollIncrement)
    return TmpTestTable;

 a method that calls the report

identifiername lastValueElementName()
    return ReportStr(TestReport);

The prompt method to prompt the query of the report with data

public boolean prompt()
    boolean ret;
    ret = super();

    this.queryRun().setRecord(this.populate(EmplId, payrollJobStartDate, payrollJobEndDate, payrollIncrement));

    return ret;

Finally in the print button used to call the report use this code: 

void clicked()
    TestClass               TestClass ;


    TestClass = new TestClass(TmpTestTable,TmpTestTable_EmplId.valueStr(), TmpTestTable_StartDate.dateValue(),TmpTestTable_EndDate.dateValue(),TmpTestTable_PayrollIncrement.value());



Happy Daxing! 

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