vendredi 3 décembre 2010

How to find the max/min of a column in a table from X++

Here is the code :)

static void Maximum(Args _args)
     Amount                             taxablesalary, maxim;
     PayrollpayTypeTransaction          payrollPayTypeTransaction ;
     Container                          c;
     PayrollIncrement                          i;
     while select payrollpaytypeamount from payrollPayTypeTransaction where payrollPayTypeTransaction.PayrollPaytypeNum == #PayrollPaytypeNumC3
        c = c + [ payrollPayTypeTransaction.PayrollPaytypeAmount ];
        maxim = conpeek ( c ,1);
        for(i=1; i< conlen(c)+1 ;i++)
              maxim = max( maxim, conpeek ( c, i+1));
              info(conpeek(c, i));
The same with the min using min function

Well we can do this using Array DataType also 
 Here is the link :

Happy Daxing :) !

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