vendredi 19 novembre 2010

How to connect between report and RunBaseReport class in Dynamics AX

For example you want to make your report dynamic, you choose to display or not a programmable section or any other section of your design, or you choose the appropriate design...
 For example in you Runbasereport class, in the dialog method , you create a Combobox

public Object dialog()

    DialogRunBase      dialog = super();
    NoYesCombo = dialog.addField(typeid("NoYes"));

    return dialog;

You get it value in the getDialogValue method : 

public NoYes getFromDialog()
    showHolidaySection = NoYesCombo.value();
    return  super();

And you return this value in order to use it :

public NoYes getShowHolidaySection()
    return showHolidaySection;

According to the value of this Combobox, you will display or not a programmable section.
You call this fonctionality in the fetch method of the report here.

 if (payslipJour.PayrollShowVacationAccount)
        if ( myCaller.getShowHolidaySection() == NoYes::Yes)

Another good example to follow is found in the resources.

Happy Daxing!

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